Kotelett is one half of Kotelett & Zadak, the idiosyncratic house duo who have clocked up releases on respected imprints including Katermukke, Selador and Natura Viva. Recording solo for his latest single, Kotelett now returns to Poker Flat Recordings with new single I Don’t Know.
WWD: Welcome to When We Dip! Thanks for talking to us – how’s 2023 treating you so far?
The year is off to a good start. It’s been a bit more calm and less stressful than the end of last year. However, I’ve been working on several different music projects, which has been a bit overwhelming.
WWD: What are your earliest memories of music?
I guess the earliest memories was my mom playing some songs for me on her guitar. I can’t remember which song exactly, it’s more the feeling of listening to music.
WWD: How would you describe your music style, and who are some of the artists that you draw inspiration from?
It’s always difficult to put myself in a specific genre, as my music style is quite diverse. At the moment, I’m going back to my roots in house music. As for my inspirations, it’s not just one artist that I look up to. Rather, it’s a group of artists who each have their unique strengths. Some inspire me with their production skills, while others inspire me with how they’ve developed as an artist.
WWD: What were the first records you can remember being into, the ones that really made an impression on you?
The first record that really fascinated me was a tape from the Beatles – Blue Album. I used to listen to it every day, and I particularly remember tracks like ‘I Am the Walrus or strawberry fields – It was so weird for me, but I liked that feeling.”
WWD: How do you think the music you make solo is distinct from your work with Zadak?
The production process is completely different of cause, if you don’t have a partner to reflect your decisions. However, I really enjoy the personal experience of seeing what comes solely from my mind after years of co-producing. Despite the outcome, I’ll leave it up to others to decide what distinguishes my solo work from my collaborations with Mr. Zadak.
WWD: For us, I Don’t Know has a really timeless feel – is the longevity of your music something you think about when you’re in the studio?
It’s great to see in retrospect that a track has a timeless quality, but it’s definitely not something I can calculate, nor is it always my first priority. For me, it’s more about the feeling in the moment of production that entertains me. Sometimes, it’s also nice to capture a specific time frame and freeze that moment in a track.
WWD: Were there any specific bits of kit that were integral when producing this one?
Yes, I was digging through some 90s samples and found a vocal that I initially used in a slightly ironic way because it was a bit cheesy. In the past, I would have hated using that sample, but now I’m enjoying it to the fullest, haha. It’s always good to see that your music taste isn’t stuck in one place.
WWD: When you’re not working on your music, how do you like to spend your time?
I love to be in nature, but to be honest, I’m doing it way to less. It’s a goal for this year!
WWD: What else do you have coming up in 2023 that we should be looking out for?
There will be a few more releases and also a new Project with Esther Silex called Almost Falling.
It’s more electronic music with not always a 4 to the floor kick drum. And maybe my own little label will see the light of the record shops, but I can’t say more to this at the moment.